Join Kou Teppan and Haku Sushi as they bring you on a journey through the last Two-Night-Only Sake Pairing Omakase series this year. This remarkable collaboration brings together two renowned sake breweries from Tokushima Prefecture – Hosui Shuzo and Saito Shuzo, to pair with crafted menus by Kou Teppan and Haku Sushi. 25 September, 7:30 PM at Haku Sushi $128 per person, with 5 sake pairings Enjoy an 8-course Kansai Sushi Omakase with standout dishes like the Hon Maguro & Scallion Handroll, topped with Uni, paired with the fruity and fragrant Gotenzakura Junmai Ginjo Genshu. 27 September, 7:30 PM at Kou Teppan $108 per person, with 5 sake pairings Savour a 7-course A5 Satsumagyu Omakase, featuring the Teppan Main - A5 Satsumagyu Ichibo, complemented by the rich and malty Hosui Kimoto Tokubetsu Junmai.
Join Kou Teppan and Haku Sushi as they bring you on a journey through the last Two-Night-Only Sake Pairing Omakase series this year. This remarkable collaboration brings together two renowned sake breweries from Tokushima Prefecture – Hosui Shuzo and Saito Shuzo, to pair with crafted menus by Kou Teppan and Haku Sushi. 25 September, 7:30 PM at Haku Sushi $128 per person, with 5 sake pairings Enjoy an 8-course Kansai Sushi Omakase with standout dishes like the Hon Maguro & Scallion Handroll, topped with Uni, paired with the fruity and fragrant Gotenzakura Junmai Ginjo Genshu. 27 September, 7:30 PM at Kou Teppan $108 per person, with 5 sake pairings Savour a 7-course A5 Satsumagyu Omakase, featuring the Teppan Main - A5 Satsumagyu Ichibo, complemented by the rich and malty Hosui Kimoto Tokubetsu Junmai.