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All the best deals and promotions for Mother's day so you don't have to worry - recommended based on your love language!

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A Mother's Day Gift Guide

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Mother's Day is next week — are you looking for ideas and ways to express your love and thankfulness to your beloved mother? Maybe a dinner? A card? Or that Le Creuset pot that she has been eyeing for eons.

We attempt to provide you with a guide to choose the right gift (and deal) for your mom and this guide will be based on the 5 love languages by Dr. Gary Chapman.

We all express and receive love differently. I may enjoy a hug from my child more than a meal prepared by them. Or you may love the limited edition earring that your husband purchased just for you more than a card with words of praises and affirmation to you as a wife and mother.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of the preferences! It's not that she is more “material-minded” while she is the more “贤妻良母”. Expressing love to our loved ones' calls for the need to understand the love language that the receiver prefers and speak to them in that manner.

The premise is simple: different people with different personalities express love in different ways. Gary called these ways of expressing and receiving love the “5 Love Languages.” They are Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch. — Dr. Gary Chapman:

The first thing we need to do is to sit down and evaluate. Spend more time observing your mother. Find out which of these languages she places more emphasis on?

Words of Affirmation

If your mom belongs to this group, you need to crack your brain and think of how to express your appreciation through words! Some may find it too mushy or "paiseh" to do it face-to-face, why not try to pen it down instead? A simple card or a book as a gift?

Write down your sincere, heartfelt thanksgiving to her and how you appreciate all the things she has done or sacrificed for you — big or small. Take it to new heights, and make a handcrafted book of love for your mom!

Changi Experience Studio | Mother's Day Workshop & High Tea

Acts of Service

All her life, mothers have been doing things for their child(ren). Perhaps now is the time that we do something special for her instead? Think along this line and you find yourself wondering when was the last time my mom took a good rest? When was the last time my mom did something she enjoyed?

Take over the duties of the home for a day perhaps? Get a drink for your mom and serve her instead? Or does your mom snatch all these chores from you and tell you “Ah boy ar, no need, just go, sit there and play with your child”.

May 9 may be the day you want to pamper her for all the sacrifices she made for you and tell her through your act of service, that you love and appreciate her!

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Receiving Gifts

This love language needs no introduction. But there are 1001 things out there to buy... what does my mom need? Has she been giving you all the best and newest stuff while she make-do with still functioning stuff?

Has she been eyeing some items but hasn't bought them and always waiting for the next best promotion to come along? Or could it be just some sweet roses or colourful tulips to brighten up her day?

Quality Time

Let's make it a point to spend time with our mothers. After all, she spent most of her younger days- caring and nurturing you. Some mothers just want their children to be there with them.

Be it watching a movie, baking a cake, or even art-jamming! It's the togetherness, those bonding moments that she cherishes above everything else.

Create that opportunity and give your undivided attention to her! Let her know that you choose this activity with the intention to just spend some quality time with her.

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Physical Touch

Essentially touch — a warm hug, a peck on her cheek, or a walk in the park hand-in-hand. All these little actions are often neglected or avoided as we grow up. Let us be intentional when it comes to expressing love to our mother.

Though small the gesture but the impact is great! Spare a little more time this year and rethink how best to love and honour your mom.

Could your mom's love language be more than 1 of the above? Surely! Have a meal with her or buy a cake to celebrate this special day with her.

We hope we have given you a better idea of how to spend this Mother's Day in a more meaningful manner (aside helping you to choose the most suitable gift). It's a day for us to be thankful and be generous with our giving and gifting.

Blessed Mother's Day to all mothers! You are awesome!

Frederick Lim

Dive's resident deal-hunting guru, a connoisseur of discounts and vouchers! When he's not scouring the web for the best promotions, you can find him indulging in his two passions: people and food. With a plate in one hand and a pen in the other, he's always ready to dish out the latest scoop on gadgets and gizmos.

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