Full list of KFC promo code and delivery promotions for 2025 (updated January 2025)

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Find all your deals, coupons and promo codes on the KFC app now
Looking to find all the latest KFC promo codes for 2025? Here it is, do note that you will need to download the KFC Mobile app to place your orders and redeem the deals.
Download KFC Mobile app at App Store or Play Store , or order online at https://www.kfc.com.sg.
To access the latest promo codes and deals, you can find the "Promo Code" voucher image at the top right hand side of the screen.
The full list of KFC deals is taken from KFC coupon promotions site here.
Also note essential information for KFC in Singapore
- KFC breakfast orders are taken until 10.45am
- KFC lunch or dinner orders are available 15mins before restaurant closing hours
- KFC delivery services is available daily from 11am to 11pm in Singapore. There is a minimum order of $14 for delivery and surcharge of $4.50** for every delivery order.
- For orders above $200, please order 2 hours in advance.
- For orders above $500 and advance order of more than 4 days, please call KFC Delivery hotline at 6222 6111.
**exceptions found here

Ongoing KFC promotions and coupons
Ongoing KFC promotions and coupons (Everyday/Weekday)
Deal | Terms |
$2 off min. $20 spend |
$5 off min. $40 spend |
Ongoing KFC promotions and coupons (Weekend Value Treats)
Ongoing KFC promotions and coupons (Weekend Value Treats)
Deal | Terms |
- | - |
That's all, folks! You can also find more KFC promo codes on our KFC brand page or explore all Singapore promo codes here :)